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Friday, 9 September 2011

All of them count

In February 2006 my family and myself went on holiday to New York. It was a dream come true for me, I'd always wanted to go there and it lived up to everything I'd imagined it would be. The busy traffic, the yellow taxis, Macy's, the Empire State building, Rockafeller Center, we did it all and it was all wonderful.
 Halfway through our week my family and I pondered the question of whether or not to go to Ground Zero. Not as a tourist attraction, not as something to say we'd seen but to pay our respects to something New York as amazing as it was, was still healing from 5 years on from September 11th. We decided to go.

I'm not the best blogger or writer so this is even more difficult for me to put into words, but I cant get over to you the sheer scale and size of the craters that the fallen twin towers left in the ground, it was just so enormous. When we were there they were putting plans into place to build twin memorials on the site but they hadn't really started working on it so it was just this gaping hole. I don't think you can appreciate on the TV pictures, just how close the towers were to other buildings either and the fact that they still stood around the site was really hard to comprehend. But the hardest thing to put into words is the atmosphere around it. The sadness was so overwhelming when we looked up at each other we were all just sobbing. It was such an intense sadness that Ive never felt before and never forgotten. I took a few photos of around the site because the messages people had left were so beautiful but Ive never shared them before now because I felt guilty for taking them. I kept them because when I look at them it makes me thankful that my family are safe and well and grateful that I haven't been through a tragedy like that. They also make me think that we should never forget the people that lost their lives that day and their families that live it everyday, nor the brave men and women of the emergency services that ran towards the towers to help, instead of away like most of us would have. It makes me really angry that they aren't allowed to be at the 10 year memorial service this weekend, because they are the true hero's when atrocities like this happen. What I guess I'm trying to say is I will never forget.
I've decided to share some of my photos from New York, the photo below I think sums up everything. It simply says 'All of them count, human beings. Heroes never die in our hearts'.

I just want the people of New York to know I will be thinking of them this weekend. xxxxx

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