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Thursday 24 May 2012

Clayre and her Angel Babies

I'm quite rubbish with blogging, I never seem to find the words to go with the photos, or make it interesting or 'buzz word' friendly enough to warrant a ton of followers or blogger fame. But if I could get everyone to read about Clayre and her angel babies, and then share it with one other person, I would be eternally grateful.

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to do a photo session with one of the strongest and amazing families I've ever met before. Clayre and her 2 daughters, Maddy and Isobel are not only beautiful, but wonderful too. This blog post is dedicated to her and her 2 'angel babies'.

Clayre's youngest daughter Maddy has recently been diagnosed with Late Infantile Batten's disease, which I'm sure most of you will have never heard of before but it's a particularly cruel disorder. It's a degenerative disease of the nervous system which currently has no cure, and will rob Maddy of many things including her sight and use of her limbs. You can read more about it HERE its an awful disease that no child deserves to suffer with, and will ultimately take her life. As a mom myself I don't know how Clayre and her family even begin to cope with news like that, but they have to, and they're strength and determination to make every day fun filled for Maddy is a complete inspiration.
The photo session for them wasn't about actually having their photo taken, it was about an experience they could all share together and look back on in years to come. It was also, and most importantly about being princesses!!!
We'd decided to give the girls a sort of princess day and had spent weeks searching for the perfect  outfits, locations and props. We also had a lovely lady called Diana Jean Morton who offered to come and do the girls hair and make up on the day so they could have a mini make over, and be treated like real princesses. I was so excited to meet both of the girls!

Isobel (Clayre's oldest daughter), is a wonderful young lady.
 She's so kind and pure of heart. The way she helped her sister throughout the photosession was just breathtaking, I don't think I've ever met a person who emulated so much kindness for others before.

Then there was Maddy. She may be a poorly little thing but my gosh was she determined!! She didn't want to sit in one place for too long, and with Clayre and Isobels help, was able to have a little walk round the forest, as well as being a fabulous model. She doesn't say a lot but her piercing blue eyes speak volumes. 

Over the last few weeks Clayre's friends and family have been tirelessly fund raising to send Maddy to America for treatment
 With the help of the community and Tividale Football and Social Club they've put on fund raising days and Maddys dad Paul and 20 other guys have even done a sponsered cycle from London to Tividale! With wonderful people around them they've managed to hit their target and send Maddy off to New York next week for her treatment, which is fantastic news! The treatment can't cure or reverse the effects of the disease, but it can slow it down which means they have more time to fill her days with fun.

There's still plenty to be done for Maddy though and she needs support and help, and so do her family.  I went to their home tonight to show everyone the finished slide show of images from the session, and unfortunately Maddy has gone down hill somewhat since we did the photos and is now being fed via a tube. There is a group on Facebook for her which you can join by clicking HERE I know not everyone who reads this will rush off and donate money ( if you can though please do!!), but if you have a few spare minutes, maybe you could go join it and leave Maddy some kind words and her family some support.

Thank you Clayre and your angel babies for letting me capture photos of you.

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